A man identified as Shin Min-gi (right), a student graduating from KAIST, is seen being deterred by a presidential bodyguard after he protested the government's 2024 scientific research-related budget cut by 15 percent during President Yoon Suk Yeol's commencement speech at the university in Daejeon on Friday. (Yonhap)
A man identified as Shin Min-gi (right), a student graduating from KAIST, is seen being deterred by a presidential bodyguard after he protested the government's 2024 scientific research-related budget cut by 15 percent during President Yoon Suk Yeol's commencement speech at the university in Daejeon on Friday. (Yonhap)

진행자: 김혜연, Ali

Bodyguards drag student out for protesting Yoon's commencement

기사 요약: 대학 학위수여식에서 윤석열 대통령에게 연구개발 예산 삭감에 대한 문제를 외치다 대통령실 경호원에 의해 사지가 들린 채 강제 퇴장 당한 사건

[1] A student was physically removed on Friday as he protested a research budget cut as President Yoon Suk Yeol delivered a speech at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's commencement ceremony in Daejeon.

* budget cut 예산 삭감

* commencement 학위 수여식, 졸업식

[2] A clip of the student being carried out with his arms and legs lifted by bodyguards has gone viral in online communities. The video appeared to show some of the bodyguards were clad in graduation gowns.

* go viral 입소문이 나다

* clad in …한 옷을 입은

[3] The student, identified as Shin Min-gi, one of some 3,000 graduates that day, was transferred to police after being detained at the campus, according to the minor progressive Green Justice Party. Shin has worked as a spokesperson of the party's Daejeon branch since November.

* detained (어디에 가지 못하게) 붙들다, 지체하게 하다

* spokesperson 대변인

[4] Yoon's office said in a statement that a "commotion" had occurred, and presidential bodyguards "separated the protester from the venue for safety reasons." The action corresponded to related security regulations, the office said, without clarifying which clause it referred to.

* commotion 소란, 소동

* clarify 명확하게 하다, 분명히 말하다

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240216050525

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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