A Uniqlo store in central Seoul (Newsis)
A Uniqlo store in central Seoul (Newsis)

진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Ng

Questions raised over Uniqlo’s hefty dividend payouts

기사요약: 2년 연속 연간 순이익보다 많은 고배당 단행한 유니클로

[1] South Korean operator of the Japanese fashion giant Uniqlo, FRL Korea, has announced substantial dividends for the second consecutive year, with dividends surpassing the company's net profit for the 2022 fiscal year by 52.8 billion won ($40 million).

- dividends 배당금

- net profit 순이익

- fiscal year 회계 연도

[2] According to the Financial Supervisory Service's report Monday, FRL Korea distributed 180 billion won in dividends for the 2022 fiscal year. In the 2021 fiscal year, the company allocated 140 billion won in dividends, exceeding its net profit by 50.9 billion won. The recipients of these dividends are Uniqlo's headquarters in Japan and Lotte Shopping.

- allocate 할당하다

- recipient 수령인

[3] The decision to issue dividends is particularly noteworthy, given that it occurred during a period when Uniqlo's performance in Korea has yet to fully rebound in the aftermath of the "No Japan" boycott.

- noteworthy 괄목할 만한

- aftermath 여파, 후유증

[4] The boycott started in July 2019, when Japan imposed an import ban on key materials essential for Korea’s chip and display manufacturing industry amid mounting historical tensions. The measure immediately led to a boycott of Japanese brands such as Uniqlo.

- impose 도입하다, 시행하다

- mounting 증가하는

기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231211000537

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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