진행자: 박준희, Devin Whiting
Student backlash erupts as Dongduk Women's University weighs coed future
기사 요약: 최근 동덕여대 교무위원회가 남녀공학 전환을 논의한다는 사실이 알려지면서 여자대학의 존치 필요성에 대한 찬반 논쟁이 다시 불 붙었다.
[1] Dongduk Women's University, one of South Korea’s seven remaining women’s colleges, is weighing a possible shift to coeducation, a move igniting opposition among students who warn it could erode the institution’s mission of championing women’s empowerment and diminish women’s representation in society.
* Remaining: 남아 있는
* Weigh in on (something): 무언가에 무게를 두다
* Ignite: 불이 붙다
* Erode: 악화시키다
* Champion: ~를 위해 싸우다
[2] The student council wrote in a statement, “We are wholly against the coeducational transition that contradicts the founding purpose of the university, which was established with the goal of empowering women.”
* Wholly: 완전히
* Against: 반대하다
* Transition: 전환
* Contradict: 부정하다
[3] Students at Dongduk Women's University expressed concerns that transitioning to a coeducational system could marginalize female voices in a society where gender discrimination remains prevalent.
* Marginalize: 차별하다
* Discrimination: 차별
* Prevalent: 만연해 있다
[4] Dongduk Women's University alumna Shin said, "Why does a women's university have to become coed? The people who favor the change should first look up the true meaning behind the establishment of the university." The founding philosophy of Dongduk Women's University is driven by the principle of building a nation through the education of women.
* Alumna: 여자 졸업생
* Favor: 찬성하다
* Founding: ~에 기반한
* Driven by: 움직여지다
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241110050084
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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