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Park to host luncheon with all ruling party lawmakers

July 8, 2016 - 08:54 By 임정요
President Park Geun-hye will host a luncheon with all lawmakers of the ruling Saenuri Party on Friday, her office Cheong Wa Dae said, a move to secure their support for an array of her policy tasks and foster unity in the party long plagued by factional feuds.

All 129 lawmakers of the ruling party, along with interim leader Kim Hee-ok, will attend the luncheon at the presidential office. It will be the third such gathering since she took office in February 2013.

At the gathering, Park is expected to call for the party's backing of her government's efforts to push for economic reform, create jobs, spur growth and counter persistent military threats from a nuclear-ambitious North Korea.

Friday's event was arranged after tensions between the party and the presidential office flared up over the party's decision to reaccept a group of independent lawmakers who bolted from the party after failing to secure nominations for the April 13 parliamentary elections.

Among the independent lawmakers was Rep. Yoo Seong-min whose relationship with the president soured last year after Yoo played a role in the passage of a controversial bill that Park strongly opposed. (Yonhap)