[팟캐스트] (619) AI와 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까?
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn [KH Explains] Marrying your virtual partner? Era of AI companionship dawns 기사 요약: 사용자의 취향과 라이프스타일을 학습하며 사용자를 이해하는 동반자로 떠오른 AI [1] Every morning, Jung-in wakes up to her AI boyfriend Tae-joo's video call, telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes. As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out, "Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today!" This story is the fictional plot of South Korean movie "Wonderl
Sept. 16, 2024