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Civic group asks prosecution to investigate alleged 'staged rally'

April 26, 2016 - 15:34 By KH디지털2

A coalition of youth civic groups lodged a complaint with state prosecutors Tuesday over allegations that a presidential aide asked a conservative civic group to 'stage' a pro-government rally.

The weekly magazine Sisa Journal earlier said that an official handling public communications at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae sent a text message to a secretary general of a conservative civic group to hold a rally in support of Seoul's agreement reached with Tokyo late last year on the sexual slavery issue.

In December, the two countries agreed to settle their decadeslong dispute over the "comfort women." Tokyo formally apologized for the crime, acknowledged responsibility and pledged to pay 1 billion yen in reparations. 

Despite the deal, that has been hailed by some as a historic breakthrough in bilateral relations, the South Korean government has been under fire from the former sex slaves and progressive activist groups, which claimed Tokyo did not offer a sincere apology for its past deeds.

"The Cheong Wa Dae official should be punished for abusing his power, if he is found to have instructed a conservative civic group to carry out the rally," the civic groups said in a press release.

The groups further argued that the prosecution should look into allegations that the Federation of the Korean Industries gave support to the conservative civic group. The FKI sources said it gives support to many civic organizations.

According to the Sisa Journal, Chu Sun-hee, secretary general of the Association for Parents of South Korea, staged the rally as requested by Huh Hyun-joon.

Huh denied all allegations raised and filed a legal suit against the weekly magazine and its reporters for false reporting.

The presidential office in addition said the aide filed a separate suit demanding compensation for the unsubstantiated report. (Yonhap)