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Park's approval rating hits record-low

April 22, 2016 - 14:23 By KH디지털2
President Park Geun-hye's job approval rating dropped to a record-low this week, a poll showed Friday, after the ruling Saenuri Party suffered a major defeat in last week's general elections.

The survey on 1,004 adults nationwide showed that 29 percent of those surveyed approved of Park's job performance this week, down from 39 percent a week earlier, according to polling agency Gallup Korea.

The latest reading is on par with her approval rating tallied in the third week of June 2015, when her government took flak for its handling of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome outbreak.

The poll also found that those who disapproved of Park's job performance came to 58 percent, up a sharp 10 percentage points from the previous week.

Separately, the approval rating of the Saenuri Party hit an all-time low of 30 percent, down 7 percentage points from the previous week.

This week's record for the party is the lowest reached since Park came to power in early 2012.

In the April 13 quadrennial elections, the Saenuri Party won only 122 out of the 300 total seats and therefore lost its parliamentary majority and its status as the largest political party.

Despite the low reading, Saenuri still maintained an edge over the two main opposition parties.

The approval rating for the splinter People's Party, often cited as the main winner in the latest polls by winning 38 seats, reached 25 percent, up 8 percentage points from the previous week.

The main opposition Minjoo Party, which won 123 seats, had an favorable rating of 24 percent, a gain of 4 percentage points vis-a-vis the week before.

The telephone survey was conducted between Tuesday and Thursday, and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. (Yonhap)