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Police mull arrest warrant for talk show host

Jan. 5, 2015 - 21:08 By Korea Herald
Police said Monday they may seek a preliminary arrest warrant for a former deputy spokeswoman of the now-defunct Democratic Labor Party who allegedly made pro-North Korea remarks at on-stage talk shows she hosted.

Hwang Sun allegedly made comments sympathetic to the North Korean regime along with her Korean-American co-host Shin Eun-mi, local conservative groups said in a complaint filed with the police last month.

In South Korea, anyone who attempts to praise, encourage or propagandize North Korean ideals are subject to punishment under the National Security Law.

The National Police Agency (NPA) in charge of the case said a preliminary arrest warrant, which is issued before suspects are detained, was under review, as there was a chance Hwang may destroy evidence incriminating her.

“A decision will be made by today,” an NPA official said on condition of anonymity.

Police also believe the 40-year-old endorsed former and incumbent North Korean leaders on an Internet broadcasting station since 2011. She was also found to be active in what the Seoul High Court has categorized as an “anti-state” activist group.

Police said they also plan to ask prosecutors to indict Shin on charges of violating the National Security Law.

Sources in the prosecution, however, said Shin may be deported instead. (Yonhap)