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Ahn steps up moves to create new party

Jan. 2, 2014 - 20:16 By Korea Herald
Onetime presidential candidate Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo continued to build up the presence of his political committee at a New Year press conference on Thursday in Seoul.

Ahn began his statement by describing last year’s politics as a series of events “full of disappointment,” that lost the trust of the Korean people.

“Good politics can never be born in a rusty political environment. We must show our citizens a political culture embedded with sincerity, reconciliation, and integration,” the lawmaker said.

Ahn’s preparatory committee ― also known as the “new politics preparatory committee” ― officially kick-started early last month in response to what Ahn called a “corrupt, antagonistic and incompetent” culture defining today’s Korean politics.

The independent lawmaker’s political committee is widely considered to be the forerunner of a new political party. Ahn’s potential party is set to challenge the ruling Saenuri Party and especially the main opposition Democratic Party in the upcoming local elections in June, according to analysts.

The former software-mogul is deemed to be a leading opposition presidential candidate for the 2017 elections. Ahn was a serious contender for Cheong Wa Dae in the 2012 elections, before renouncing his bid in order to funnel the opposition camp’s votes to fellow presidential-hopeful DP Rep. Moon Jae-in. Moon lost the race to President Park Geun-hye.

Ahn’s statements on Thursday came one day after the lawmaker visited the National Cemetery. He visited the graves of former presidents Kim Dae-jung, Syngman Rhee and Park Chung-hee, before signing his name at the registry book with the words, “I shall walk straightforwardly in the path which you have opened,” in an expression of respect to the nation’s former commanders-in-chief.

By Jeong Hunny (