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Acid-hit region will take over five years to recover

Oct. 8, 2012 - 10:53 By 윤민식

Government designates area a disaster zone

The government on Monday designated the area in Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province, hit by an acid leak a disaster zone amid criticism over its belated response to the incident.

Experts said it may take more than five years for the town to fully recover its agricultural land and crops, which are the main source of income and food for residents in the area.

The tardy response of the government and miscalculation by the state-run scientific institute is being blamed for the acid leak rapidly spreading to not only nearby residential areas and crops, but also streams.

Containing the leak with water as a means to clear the toxic gas in the atmosphere led it to flow into nearby streams, said Jung Soo-gun, director of Korean Federation for Environmental Movement.

Researchers noted that the hydrochloric acid should have been contained with lime when the leak occurred, instead of water, which ignited a chain reaction that appeared to have been an explosion.

Concerns are rising that the spread of the acid could reach the Nakdong River, the main source of water for Gumi, when it rains, Jung said.

Should this happen, the government and its crisis management unit will face tougher obstacles for recovery, he added.

The leak from a factory owned by Hube Korea, a chemicals manufacturer for displays, in an industrial complex some 150 meters from farmland and residential areas, has claimed five lives, with losses filed by local companies in the complex amounting to some 18 billion won ($16 million), according to the Gumi government.

Gumi has officially disclosed that 8 tons of the acid leaked.

But observers said it could be more given the level of damage outside of the complex. The toxic gas, hazardous to the skin, eyes and respiratory system, has affected not only crops and livestock, but also buildings and vehicles since the leak occurred on Sept. 27.

The Ministry of Environment has been criticized by a National Assembly committee for failing to respond rapidly to the situation, leading it to being called “incompetent.”

Some 300 local residents had decided by themselves to temporarily relocate, after Gumi called off the evacuation based on misinformation by the National Institute of Environmental Research.

Gumi marks the country’s fourth disaster zone ever proclaimed by the government, following the collapse of Sampoong Mall in Seoul, a forest fire in Gangwon Province and subway fire in Daegu.

Under the law, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s emergency management unit has the authority to carry out measures in disaster zones.

By Park Hyong-ki

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구미 가스 누출지역 `특별재난지역' 선포

정부는 경북 구미 불산가스 누출사고 현장을 이 날 중으로 특별재난지역으로 선포하기로 결정했다.

그러나 사고가 발생한 뒤 12일이 지나서야 구체적인 대책을 내놓으면서 늑장 대응이란 비판을 면할 수 없게 됐다.

정부는 8일 세종로 정부중앙청사에서 임종룡 국무총리실장 주재로 관계부처 차관회의를 열어 이같이 결정했다.

정부는 5∼7일 현지에서 벌인 1차 정부합동조사 결과 불산 누출로 인한 피해가 상당할 것으로 추정됨에 따라 피해 발생 지방자치단체의 행정ㆍ재정 능력으로는 재난의 수습이 곤란하다고 판단했다.

특별재난지역으로 선포되면 농작물, 축산, 산림, 주민건강 등 분야별로 지원기준을 수립해 피해에 대한 행정ㆍ재정적 지원을 하게 된다.

이를 위해 지식경제부, 농림수산식품부, 고용노동부, 소방방재청 등 각 부처에서 지원기준을 마련하는 한편 조속한 시일 내에 지자체와 공동으로 2차 조사를 실시 하기로 했다.

정부는 또 유사한 사고를 방지하기 위해 10월 중에 환경부ㆍ고용부ㆍ지경부ㆍ방 재청 등 정부 합동으로 위험물질 취급 업체에 대한 특별점검을 실시하고, 유해화학 물질 등 위험물질 관리체계 전반에 대한 제도 개선 방안도 마련할 계획이다.

이와 함께 환경부와 의학전문가, 지역 관계자 등이 참여하는 공동 조사단 중심으로 주민 건강 영향 조사를 실시하고, 특수화학분석 차량도 확충하기로 했다.

농작물 오염 여부를 판단하기 위해 식약청 전문가를 사고 현장에 파견해 농작물 오염 여부를 판단하고, 식용으로 쓸 수 없는 농작물은 전량 폐기할 방침이다.