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Former journalist donates $7m real estate to KAIST

Sept. 14, 2012 - 20:14 By Korea Herald
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology president Suh Nam-pyo and Gwangwon Industry chairwoman Lee Su-young pose at the university in Daejeon on Friday. ( Yonhap News)
Korea Institute of Advanced Science and Technology announced Friday that Lee Su-young, chairwoman of Gwangwon Industry, donated Los Angeles real estate valued at $7 million to the school.

A graduate of Seoul National University’s School of Law, Lee began her professional life as a journalist in 1963.

In 1971 she established a farm in Gyeonggi Province, from which she built up her business and founded Gwangwon Industry in 1988. Since then she has served as the chairwoman of her company. She has also been serving as the chairwoman of a scholarship foundation for her alma mater since November 2010.

“I purchased real estate in the U.S. by working hard and saving all my life. Wealth is not something you can take to the grave, so I have always thought I will return it to society,” Lee said in a statement.

“I hope my small contribution will help in developing good science and technology human resources for Korea.”
