English Eye
[팟캐스트](178) 헌재, 朴답변서 보완요구 외 1건
Jan. 12, 2017
진행자: 박세환, Julie Jackson 1. 헌재, 朴대통령 측 답변서 보완요구기사요약: 헌법재판소가 박근혜 대통령의 '세월호 7시간' 행적에 관한 답변서에 대해 답변서 내용이 부족하다고 보완을 요청했다.아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638Court dismisses Park’s explanation on missing 7 hours as ‘insufficient’[1] On the day the ferry Sewol sank, President Park Geun-hye began work at 9 a.m. at her home office due to her poor physical condition, and received reports via telephone, fax