진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor

Over 82,000 Korean young people unemployed, not searching for job long-term

기사 요약: 3년 이상 취업하지 않은 청년 중 구직 활동이나 취업 준비를 하지 않고 집에서 그냥 쉬는 청년이 8만명을 넘어선 한국

[1] Nearly a quarter million South Korean young people have been unemployed for at least three years, recent government data showed Thursday, with over 80,000 saying they were neither looking for work nor receiving education related to their career during the period.

quarter: 4분의 1

unemployed: 무직의

[2] According to Statistics Korea, 238,112 people aged 15-29 were found not to be working for at least three years after graduating from their most recent educational institution, as of May this year.

recent: 최근의

[3] Of those, 82,545 said they weren't doing anything in particular to search for work, saying they were "just spending time at home.”

in particular: 특별히

[4] Another 68,886 said they were studying for employment exams, 35,243 said they were doing housework or raising children, and 10,880 said they were studying to get a higher education.

exam: 시험

raise: 들어 올리다, 양육하다

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240919050740

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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