Herald Corp., proudly presents the anticipated H.eco Forum 2024, slated to take place on May 22 at Seoul’s Some Sevit. The forum convenes under the theme “The Transition: Blue, Clean, and Green,” aiming to foster discussions on energy transition for sustainable growth.

Maria Castillo Fernandez, ambassador of the EU to the Republic of Korea, will focus on the EU’s clean energy transition toward climate neutrality and global partnership. Nobuo Tanaka, executive director emeritus of the IEA, will present innovative approaches to new energy resources for achieving carbon neutrality.

As we near the critical threshold of a 1.5 degree-Celsius increase in global temperatures, “Special Talk: The Time We Have Left” serves as a call to action. Julian Quintart, a Belgian TV personality, will moderate the session with panelists including actor Kim Sukhoon, writer Lee Seula, and Ko Kumsook, Co-representative of Almang Market.

We extend a cordial invitation to all stakeholders to join us at H.eco Forum 2024. We eagerly await your participation and support.

■ Date: May 22, 2024, (Wednesday) 9 a.m.

■ Venue: 2F Gavit FIC Convention Hall, Some Sevit, Seoul

■ Theme: The Transition: Blue, Clean, and Green

■ Website: www.heraldeco.com (Pre-registration is required.)

■ For inquiries: H.eco Forum Secretariat (02) 727-0080,