진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot
Korea's food inflation surges to third-highest in OECD
기사 요약: 2월 식료품·음료 물가상승률 7% 기록한 한국, 2년 3개월 만에 OECD 평균 넘어섰다
[1] South Korea's food inflation spiked to 6.95 percent in February, the third-highest among member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
*inflation: 물가 상승율, 부풀리기
*spike: 급등하다, 못
[2] The OECD statistics for February announced Sunday reveal that Korea ranks third among 38 OECD member countries in terms of food and non-alcoholic beverage inflation, trailing only Turkey with 71.12 percent and Iceland with 7.52 percent.
*in terms of ~: ~의 면에서는
*trail: 자국, 산길, 끌다, 따라가다, 지고 있다
[3] This marks the first time in over two years that Korea's food inflation has exceeded the OECD average since November 2021, currently registered at 5.32 percent.
*exceed: 넘다, 넘어서다
[4] The global increase in food prices began after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, compounded by high energy prices and severe drought.
*compound: 복합체, 악화시키다, 혼합하다
*severe: 극심한
*drought: 가뭄
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240421050107
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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