A recent survey showed that the vast majority of South Korean adults living with their parents in apartments have no plans to move out until they are married.
A local elevator display company Focus Media Korea conducted a survey of 196 individuals between 25 and 39 who are still living with their parents. Of the respondents, 68 percent said they will not move out until they are married, 24 percent said they will move out after one year and 4 percent said they would do so within a year.
The last 4 percent said they had no plans to move out of their parents' place even after marriage.
When asked why they continue to live with their parents (multiple answers possible), 40 percent said, "there is no reason to move out," while 32 percent said they are "comfortable living their their parents."
Finances were a major factor, as 32 percent said the "cost of housing is too high," while 23 percent said, "I'm concerned about the cost of living." Some 26 percent said that they choose to do so because their "commute is convenient from (their) parents' home."
Most of the respondents were not complete freeloaders, as 69 percent said they contribute some money to household expenses. Some 35 percent said they give between 300,000 won ($230) to 500,000 won per month to their parents, 26 percent give under 300,000 won, while 8 percent give their parents more than 500,000 won.
The overwhelming majority of them -- 71 percent -- have their parents do most of the shopping for household items.
With rising housing costs, an increasing number of South Koreans have been continuing to live with their parents well into adulthood. They have been dubbed "kangaroos" by local scholars and media, for being adults who are dependent on their parents even though they are old enough to live on their own, drawing a comparison to the image of mother kangaroos who raise their young inside their pouches.
Statistics Korea's December report showed that 59.7 percent of unmarried people between ages 19 and 34 live with their parents.