Firefighters carry out a rescue operation after a house was destroyed by landslides in Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, Saturday. (Yonhap) Firefighters carry out a rescue operation after a house was destroyed by landslides in Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, Saturday. (Yonhap)
Firefighters carry out a rescue operation after a house was destroyed by landslides in Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, Saturday. (Yonhap) Firefighters carry out a rescue operation after a house was destroyed by landslides in Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, Saturday. (Yonhap)

진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. A wake-up call on landslide dangers in S. Korea

기사 요약: 7월 호우 피해로 인해 한국 사회가 산사태 예방 및 대책에 얼마나 미흡한지가 들어나

[1] When torrential rain continues for days, hillside homes can be just as dangerous as riverside dwellings. This served as a painful lesson for South Korea, as several landslides caused casualties across the country.

*torrential: (엄청난 양의/ 양동이를 들이붓듯) 많이 내리는

*casualty: 사상자, 피해자

[2] The record July downpour has left 50 people dead or missing nationwide as of 11 a.m. Tuesday. Of them, 21 fatalities and six missing cases were reported in North Gyeongsang Province, where landslides devastated several hillside villages. Twelve of the province’s casualties were claimed by mudslides.

*fatality: 사망자, 치사율

*claim: 원인을 제공하다, 주장하다, 빼앗다 etc.

[3] Apart from two cases, 10 victims faced the unexpected disaster in areas not designated as “vulnerable to landslides,” highlighting a significant flaw in the nation’s landslide preparedness.

*vulnerable: 취약한

[4] Experts say Korea must now wake up to dangers lurking in mountains and hills covering 70 percent of the country’s landscape, in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather events.

*lurking: 기다리고 있는, 숨어있는

기사원문: ⁠⁠

2. Entrapment in the 'Kakao Kingdom'

기사 요약: 어느날 한국에 없어서는 안 될 ‘필수앱’이 된 카톡. 카톡 왕국에 갇힌 한국 사회와 새로 생긴 단톡에서 몰래 나가기 기능

[1] Since its introduction as a free mobile messenger in March 2010 under its vision to “connect everything,” KakaoTalk has quickly dominated the Korean messenger app market. Amid its immense popularity here, an increasing number of users are also feeling a sense of fatigue from excessive messages and notifications from various group chats.

*fatigue: 피로

[2] They also found it difficult to leave the chats in the past because of a feature in which users' exits are made visible to all the participants -- making it burdensome for those who do not wish to draw attention to themselves.

*burdensome: 부담스러운, 힘든

[3] In February this year, Rep. Kim Jung-ho of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea and 10 other lawmakers proposed a bill calling for the right to leave KakaoTalk chatrooms “silently.”

*call for: 요구하다

[4] When a KakaoTalk user leaves a chatroom, there used to be an automated announcement stating that “(User name) has left the room.” The bill aimed to address the inconvenience of users who get invited to non-Open Chat group chats against their will, and do not wish to draw attention to themselves when leaving.

*draw attention: 관심을 끌다

기사원문: ⁠

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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