A rusty railroad abandoned in Seoul brings back old memories and warm nostalgia.

Hang-dong Railroad, located in Guro-gu, Seoul, is a 4.5-kilometer track drenched with a vintage atmosphere, with traces of train stations and destination signs left here and there.

Lined with deep greenery and green barley, the 62-year-old railway is now one of the most beloved places for Seoulites to go and reflect.

Beside Hang-dong Railroad, there is the Pureun Arboretum, Seoul’s first arboretum.

Also known as “ecology island,” the place, surrounded by a quiet, peaceful reservoir, is a hidden treasure planted with varieties of flora.

The arboretum, eight times bigger than Seoul Plaza, exhibits some 20 themed gardens with more than 2,100 kinds of rare plants, with small book cafes where visitors can drink in the winter scenery with a cup of coffee.

Photos by Park Hyun-koo
Written by Kim Byung-wook