Samsung Human Resource Development Institute’s former Chief Learning Officer Shin Tae-gyun sheds light on the qualities that companies should keep an eye out for heading into the “fourth industrial revolution” when artificial intelligence replaces many jobs in his book “Talent’s Counterattack.”

After joining Samsung in 1983, Shin worked his way up as a human resources education expert, delivering more than 1,000 lectures to Samsung employees. He is currently the management adviser for Cosmex, an outside director for Hanssem and a visiting professor at Sookmyung Women’s University.

Shin also discusses what individuals aspiring to be talents should prepare for in this time of transition.

For leaders of companies, he predicts that a “leadership platform” will become important. A leadership platform, according to Shin, refers to leaders using big data-driven artificial intelligence to make decisions and manage companies. He also predicts leaders will take on a more intermediary role that connects the members, as well as making decisions.

Shin highlights four qualities -- humanism, expertise, creativity and willingness to try something new -- that make up future talent, which he calls the “4.0 human resource.” In a world dominated by technology, he places the highest value on human qualities.

Shim says in his book, “4.0 human resource is a type of eight-colored bird (someone essential for the future of an organization), but has a high chance of looking like a turkey (someone to get rid of) in organizations today. Organizations need to be able to distinguish the eight-colored bird from the turkey.”

Shim urges companies to adopt a new definition of talent -- those who can bring a wind of change to the organization -- over the old focus on hardworking individuals with extensive career records.

By Lim Jang-won ()