진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer
1. The fashion show must go on
요약: 코로나 시대에 발맞춰 패션 업계에서도 관행을 깨고 “뉴노말”에 도전한다.
[1] Models strutting and posing on the runway in a hall packed with celebrities and fashion industry movers and shakers. A crowded backstage where makeup artists stand tightly next to models, applying colorful eye shadow and lipstick.
*strutting: 점잔 빼며[으스대며] 걷는; 거드름 부리는
*packed with: …로 가득한 [2] This year, it may be difficult see any of these scenes unfold as the COVID-19 pandemic has halted on-site fashion shows. In their place, the fashion industry has begun to embrace online shows.
*unfold: 1. (접혀 있는 것을) 펴다 2. (어떤 내용이 서서히) 펼쳐지다
*embrace: 1. 껴안다, 포옹하다 (=hug) 2. (생각·제의 등을) 받아들이다 [3] The Korea Creative Content Agency was the first to adapt to the “new normal.” The agency held KDFW 2020: Kocca Digital Fashion Week from Aug. 15 to 23 during which a total of nine participating Korean brands streamed their fashion show on online platform Naver TV.
*new-normal: (경제학에서 처음 사용된 용어) 시대 변화에 따라 새롭게 부상하는 기준이나 표준 [4] Rather than holding the show in a conventional fashion show format, local brand The Studio K employed a look book video format, with the video featuring not only its clothing but also details such as the fabrics used and the available sizes.
*conventional: 1. 관습[관례]적인 2. 전통적인
*employ 1. 고용하다 2. (기술·방법 등을) 쓰다 [5] The organizer of the event, the Seoul Design Foundation, has waived participation fees in consideration of the financial difficulties suffered by fashion houses due to the ongoing pandemic.
*in consideration of: …을 고려해 볼 때 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200916000314&np=1&mp=1
2. [Feature] Migrant workers denounce 'modern-day slavery' in Korea 요약: 16년간 지속되어 온 고용허가제가 외국인 근로자들을 궁지에 몰아넣고 있다.
[1] The Employment Permit System is supposed to be a win-win solution for South Korean employers struggling to find workers and Asian workers seeking higher-paying jobs overseas. The 16-year-old system, however, has been criticized for leaving workers vulnerable to abusive practices and even “slave-like” exploitation by employers. At the center of the dispute is a clause in the legislation that effectively bans workers from changing workplaces.
*win-win solution: 윈-윈(모두에게 유리한, 모두가 득을 보는) 해법
*vulnerable to someone/something: (~에) 취약한, 연약한
[2] A migrant fisherman from Timor-Leste, who wanted to be identified only as Lopes M., endured appalling working conditions and human rights violations on a small island for years. He was virtually locked up and isolated on Gaeyado, off the coast of Gunsan, as he was not allowed to leave without permission from his employer. He was dispatched to other workplaces several times, in breach of his employment contract. He earned about 2 million won ($1,765) per month, which he found out only recently because his employer had kept his bankbook.
*appalling 간담을 서늘케 하는, 끔찍한
*in breach of 위반, ~의 파괴[파기], ~을 저버림
[3] Lopes M. first came to Korea in July 2014 and worked for his boss on Gaeyado for four years and 10 months. He got a second work permit in 2019, valid for another four years and 10 months, on the condition that he stay with the same employer.
*on the condition that 조건부의
[4] He escaped from the island in September this year and has been staying at a shelter ever since. The predicament Lopes M. faces is not an isolated one. Along with the fight at the Constitutional Court, migrant workers and their advocates are calling for the overhaul of the work permit system.
*predicament 곤경, 궁지 (=quandary) 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20201021000830&np=2&mp=1 [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]