진행자: 임현수, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Far-right pastor claims COVID-19 outbreak a fraud

요약: 사랑제일교회 전광훈 목사가 정부의 방역 조치를 '사기'이라고 주장했다.

[1] As soon as he had recovered from COVID-19 on Wednesday, Jun Kwang-hoon, who leads the Seoul-based Presbyterian church that has emerged as the country’s second-biggest virus cluster, called the government’s antivirus measures a “fraud” designed to destroy his church.

*As soon as: ~하자마자 *Presbyterian: 장로교 *Emerge: 나타나다 *Fraud: 사기 [2] The far-right pastor repeated his claim that President Moon Jae-in and his administration were oppressing him for holding anti-government rallies, at a press conference held in front of his Sarang Jeil Church in Jangwi-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. It was held hours after his discharge that morning from the Seoul Medical Center, where he was sent after testing positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 17.

*far-right *claim: 주장하다 *oppress: 탄압하다 *discharge: ~에서 나오게 되다

[3] “The government has been trying to remove me and our church whenever it finds a chance. They tried to put all the blame on us with the new coronavirus but failed thanks to wise judgment made by the public,” he said.

*whenever: 언제든지 *put the blame on: ~를 비판하다 *thanks to: ~의 덕분에

[4] Since the first case in the church was detected Aug. 12, a cluster there had been linked to 1,117 infections as of Wednesday at noon. Some 1,400 people connected to the church still haven’t undergone testing, according to health authorities.

*detect: 감지하다 *be linked to: ~에 연결되다

기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200902000825&np=1&mp=1

2. Olive Young to go public in 2022 요약: CJ올리브영이 오는 2022년을 목표로 기업공개(IPO)를 추진 중이라고 밝혔다. 또한 투자자 유치(프리IPO)도 준비 중이다.

[1] Health and beauty store Olive Young said Thursday it was preparing to apply for an initial public offering in 2022.

*initial public offering: 기업공개 *go public: 상장하다

[2] CEO Koo Chang-gun announced the decision on the company’s in-house communication app “Olive Lounge” on Wednesday where he said work to file for an IPO in 2022 would start next year, with plans to attract pre-IPO investment.

*file for: 신청하다 *attract: ~끌어들이다

[3] “It is to secure assets to support the company’s future growth. But there won’t be any change to majority shareholder CJ Corporation’s shares and its management rights, the CEO’s statement said according to one official.

*secure: 확보하다 *assets: 재산 *majority shareholder: 지배 주주 [4] With the capital raised, Koo said he would seek other investment opportunities both at home and abroad such as mergers and acquisitions.

*seek: 찾다 *merger: 합병 *acquisition: 인수

[5] Pre-IPO investment refers to private sales of blocks of stock before shares are made available on a public exchange.

*Pre-IPO: 기업 공개 전 자금 유치 *stock: 주식 *public exchange: 공인 거래소

기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200903000682&np=1&mp=1

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]

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