Think you can finish a movie masterpiece in two days?

That’s the challenge laid down by KIX48, in which teams compete to produce a film over a single weekend.

The competition starts on June 22 with a kick-off event. Teams will be given five elements they have to include in their film, and 48 hours to get it in the can.

The five elements will be three from last year -- a line of dialogue, a prop and a location -- plus a scene and an emotion in close-up.

“We chose these two elements to highlight acting and directing specifically,” said Kevin Lambert, founder of the Korea International Expat Film Festival in Seoul, which runs the event.

Films then have to be sent digitally to the KIX48 organizers by the deadline on Sunday -- with a rendezvous point for physical handover in case teams have technical problems.

Finished films that are submitted on time will be shown on June 30 at EMU Artspace near Gwanghwamun. Winners will be judged by the audience and a panel of judges.

The finalists from this year and winners from 2017 will also screen as part of the Korea International Expat Film Festival in Seoul in September.

Registration is 60,000 won before June 15, and can be done via

There is no limit to the number of teams that can take part.

“A similar question we get is, “is there a limit to the number of people on a team?” and that also is a no,” Lambert said. “You can have as many people as you can afford to buy lunch for.”

The event is designed to include all kinds of filmmakers, from beginners to film professionals, and teams can come from anywhere in Korea.

Participants that don’t have a team yet can find like-minded teammates at a meet and greet event on June 17.

“The meet and greet will be a casual meet up where actors and people who don’t yet have teams can meet existing teams or make new ones,” said Lambert

The meet and greet is at the Hidden Cellar in HBC from 5-7 p.m., with some giveaways on the night from Pabst Blue Ribbon and KIXFF.
