[더인베스터(코리아헤럴드)=이지윤기자] LG전자가 최근 갑작스럽게 LCD TV 패널 공급중단을 통보한 샤프에 대해 국제상업회의소(ICC) 제소를 비롯한 손해배상 청구 계획이 없다고 26일 밝혔다.
LG관계자는 더인베스터에 “샤프의 공급량이 극소량에 불과해 두 회사가 원만히 합의점을 찾기로 했다”고 설명했다.
LG는 한해 약 3천만대의 LCD TV를 생산하고 있는데 대부분의 패널을 자매사인 LG디스플레이로부터 공급받고 있다. 이 관계자는 개별 협력사의 공급량은 밝히지 않았다.

지난해 12월 삼성전자는 샤프 등이 TV용 LCD 패널 공급을 전면 중단해 피해를 입었다며 ICC에 중재를 요청했다. 손해배상청구액은 한화로 6천억원이다.
이에 함께 공급중단을 통보 받은 LG전자와 중국의 하이센스 등도 손해배상 가능성이 있다는 관측이 일부에서 제기되기도 했다.
전체 LCD TV 생산량 5천만대 중 약 10%에 달하는 패널을 매년 샤프로부터 공급받았던 삼성은 패널 확보에 비상이 걸렸다. LCD 생산을 줄여왔던 삼성디스플레이가 공급확대 여력이 부족해 급히 LG디스플레이, 대만의 AUO, 중국의 BEO 등에 추가 공급을 타진 중이다.
LG디스플레이도 소니 등 공급확대 요청이 몰리면서 생산에 수급에 난항을 겪고 있다.
LG전자 하진호 HE본부 상무는 전날 실적발표 컨퍼런스콜에서 “최근 TV 패널 가격이 비정상적으로 움직이고 있다”며 “샤프와 삼성전자간 이슈와 맞물려 올상반기까지 이런 상황이 이어질 수 있을 것으로 예상한다”고 말했다.
현재 글로벌 LCD 시장에서 LG와 삼성이 각 19.5%와 18.6%를 차지하고 있고 팍스콘이 인수한 샤프와 이노룩스가 합쳐서 18.6%의 점유율을 확보하고 있다.
LG won’t seek compensation from Sharp on supply halt: sources
[THE INVESTOR] LG Electronics said on Jan. 26 it has no plans to claim compensation from Sharp despite the Japanese display maker’s decision to suddenly halt its supplies of liquid-crystal display panels.
“Due to insignificant supply volume, the two firms have decided to seek a peaceful agreement,” an LG spokesperson told The Investor. He declined to reveal the exact number of panels being supplied.
The comments come after its crosstown rival Samsung Electronics filed a US$492 million arbitration suit against Sharp and other two Japanese suppliers on Dec. 22 for halting their LCD supplies to the world’s largest TV maker at a short notice.
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In the suit, filed with the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Samsung demanded the firms continue panel supplies or pay damages.
Following the move, speculation was growing that other TV makers such as LG and China’s Hisense -- who have also been notified of the supply halt from Sharp -- are likely to seek compensation.
Sharp supplied an annual 5 million panels, almost 10 percent of Samsung’s total LCD TV production that stands at about 50 million units. For this year, sources said Samsung had increased orders from Sharp to some 6 million units as it was reducing its own LCD production to focus more on organic light-emitting diode panels for mobile devices.
LG produces almost 30 million LCD TVs annually, securing much of the panels from its sister firm LG Display.
Sharp’s supply halt to top TV makers is causing ripple effects in the global display market that is dominated by Korean, Chinese and Japanese companies.
For the time being, Samsung plans to raise orders from its display-making unit Samsung Display and is also in talks with LG Display, Taiwan’s AUO and China’s BOE. Japan’s Sony, which uses Samsung panels, is also asking help from LG Display and other Chinese display makers to fill up the loss.
“Uncertainties are growing surrounding TV panel prices recently,” an LG Electronics executive said in a conference call on Jan. 25. “Coupled with the Sharp-Samsung breakup, the situation is expected to continue in the first half of this year.”
Sharp, now owned by Taiwan’s Hon Hai Group, more widely known as Foxconn, has not yet made any official comment on its recent decision.
Industry watchers say the company could have reduced supplies to rivals to nurture its own TV and interactive-display business amid a global shortage of larger LCD panels.
Currently, LG Display and Samsung Display own 19.6 percent and 18.6 percent share in the global LCD market, respectively, while Sharp and Innolux -- both owned by Foxconn -- hold a combined 18.6 percent.
By Lee Ji-yoon (jylee@heraldcorp.com)