Company aims for global expansion of service next year

SK Telecom, the country’s top mobile carrier, has introduced an education platform for tablet PCs called “T Smart Learning,” to be rolled out next month.

In partnership with Chungdahm Learning, SKT joined hands with 12 education institutes in Korea, including Daesung, YeaRimDang Publishing, Daekyo, Neungyule Education and Visang to create the content for the platform.

The service is expected to cost about 50,000 won ($47) per month, excluding the device fee. The user target within the first six months of launch is 50,000, according to an SKT official.

SK텔레콤이 18일 오전 서울 광장동 워커힐에서 공동사업자인 청담러닝 및 한국교원단체총연합회, 디지털대성, 예림당등 국내 대표격인 12개 교육 사업자 및 협회와 함께 태블릿 기반의 스마트 교육 플랫폼인 'T 스마트러닝' 서비스 런칭 행사를 가지고 다양한 서비스를 선보이고 있다. 박해묵 기자/
The smart learning platform service designed for tablet PCs.  Park Hae-mook/The Korea Herald
SK텔레콤이 18일 오전 서울 광장동 워커힐에서 공동사업자인 청담러닝 및 한국교원단체총연합회, 디지털대성, 예림당등 국내 대표격인 12개 교육 사업자 및 협회와 함께 태블릿 기반의 스마트 교육 플랫폼인 'T 스마트러닝' 서비스 런칭 행사를 가지고 다양한 서비스를 선보이고 있다. 박해묵 기자/ The smart learning platform service designed for tablet PCs. Park Hae-mook/The Korea Herald

The smart learning platform service designed for tablet PCs. (Park Hae-mook/The Korea Herald)

The company also aims to sell the platform overseas by next year, mostly to Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, the official said.

“T Smart Learning will help narrow the regional gap in education that stems from geographical location and differences in the income level,” said Bae Joon-dong, president of network CIC at SKT.

Park In-sik, executive vice president of the enterprise business division at the company, also said the educational platform would provide solutions in English education ― such as speaking, hearing, reading and writing ― while adding a touch of fun to study.

T Smart Learning is an education platform designed for tablet PCs that is equipped with interactive learning tools. After downloading the platform, the user goes through a level test to receive customized training. A study schedule, tips and educational content, which fit the user’s level, are also provided and the completed work is evaluated for review.

The system enables students to share study tips through a knowledge-sharing system built within the online support community and assists studies with tools such as the dictionary, vocabulary boxes, review notes and educational games.

The service is currently only available on the 7-inch Galaxy Tab, however, the company plans to introduce it on the 10.1-inch Galaxy Tab by this year, said Lee Hyung-hee, executive vice president at the C&S business division at SKT, adding that it will conduct negotiations with Apple to adapt it for the iPad 2.

“We will take in the registrations and have some potential customers experience the service later this month, have it packed in stores for sale next month and go for the global expansion next year,” he said.

By Cho Ji-hyun (