EUREKA Day, to be held in March, offers the opportunity to meet and network with Korean industrial research organizations to help understand Korean research capabilities and generate common research projects.

EUREKA is a pan-European research and development network that was established in 1985 by 18 Europeans countries, now counting 39 countries as members.

Its aim is to create a market-oriented industrial research and development network in response to the shift of industrial research away from Europe and toward Asia and the Americas.

EUREKA promotes new technology development by encouraging voluntary cooperation among industry, academia and research communities.

The project also attempts to pursue a market-oriented approach to project generation through informal networking and an online one-to-one meeting scheduling service.

EUREKA Day 2011 in Seoul is held in cooperation with the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

The event will take place at the Shilla Hotel from March 16-17.

Visit for more information and registration.