K-democracy? Lawmakers flooded with protest texts after impeachment boycott
진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel
기사 요약: 윤석열 대통령 탄핵 소추안에 대해 국민의 힘 의원들 대다수가 투표를 보이콧 하면서 "탄핵 찬성해라"는 시민들 문자 폭탄 이어져
[1] Lawmakers from the ruling People Power Party have faced a barrage of protest text messages after an impeachment motion against President Yoon Suk Yeol was scrapped due to their decision to boycott the vote.
barrage of: 빗발치는
scrap: 폐기하다
[2] PPP lawmakers have been struggling to deal with an endless stream of text messages, according to local reports, Monday. Some lawmakers have complained that their batteries don’t last more than two hours without a backup even with fully charged phones. Just before and after the impeachment vote on Saturday, observers reported seeing staff handing out fully charged portable batteries to lawmakers at the national assembly.
stream of: 계속 이어지는~, ~물결 / 동향 stream of opinion
[3] This overwhelming influx of messages began in earnest Thursday, when the PPP declared its official stance against impeachment, just two days before the motion was put to a vote on Saturday. On that same day, phone numbers of ruling party lawmakers were widely circulated online, prompting online users to flood them with thousands of text messages.
overwhelming: 압도적인 밀어닥침, 유입
in earnest: 본격적으로/ 진지하게
[4] Posts on social media platforms like X urged citizens to take action, with messages such as, "Let’s start a collective action and send text messages to PPP lawmakers so that they can vote for impeachment.”
take action: ~에 대해 조치를 취하다
collective action: 집단행동
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241209050080