Gate of National Office of Investigation, Dec. 9 (Yonhap)
Gate of National Office of Investigation, Dec. 9 (Yonhap)

Power struggle intensifies among investigative bodies over Yoon Suk Yeol’s martial law case

진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel

기사 요약: 12.3 계엄령 선포 관련 주요 인물들 및 내란죄 등에 대한 수사에 대해 경찰, 검찰, 공수처 등이 수사권에 대한 혼선 계속돼

[1] The investigation into President Yoon Suk Yeol’s controversial December 3 martial law declaration has descended into a jurisdictional tug-of-war among South Korea’s prosecutorial, police and anti-corruption agencies, raising concerns about the investigation's clarity and efficiency.

martial law: 계엄령

descended into: ~로 내려가다, (나쁜 상황 속으로) 서서히 빠져들다

jurisdictional: 사법권의

tug-of-war: 줄다리기, 주도권 다툼

[2] At the heart of the dispute is the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials, which rejected a request from the prosecutor’s office to hand over all cases related to the martial law declaration. Instead, the CIO invoked its legal authority under the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials Act to demand that the prosecution transfer overlapping cases to the CIO.

invoke: 법, 규칙 등을 들먹이다

overlapping: 겹치는, 중복되는

[3] Prosecutors, however, maintain that they had proposed a joint investigation with the CIO, a claim the CIO disputes. Both agencies remain at an impasse, with the prosecution and police reportedly reviewing the legal grounds for the CIO’s transfer request.

impasse: 교착 상태, at an ~

grounds: 법적 근거, 당위성
