According to Wiqtcom, a Finnish intelligence testing agency, the smartest country in 2024 is Japan, with an average Intelligent Quotient of 112.30.
Wiqtcom’s “2024 World’s Most Intelligent Country Ranking” is based on the test results of 109 countries. Hungary (111.28), Taiwan (111.20), Italy (110.82) and South Korea (110.80) are within the top 5, after Japan. The global average is 99.64.
The United States placed 77th with 96.57 and other advanced nations of Germany (105.23) and the United Kingdom (97.65) are the world's 23rd and 66th. The country with the lowest score is Mozambique with 90.06, 9.58 lower than the average.
According to Wiqtcom, people’s IQ stays around 100, and 95 percent of the quotients are distributed between 70 and 130. Put otherwise, the percentage of people whose IQ is lower than 70 or higher than 130 is only 5 percent each.