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Passengers discover bus driver drunk

May 24, 2024 - 11:41 By Yoon Min-sik
(Herald DB)

A Busan bus driver was recently caught working while under the influence of alcohol, local police said Friday.

Passengers of the bus that was operating in Busanjin-gu, Busan suspected that the driver was drunk, based on the strong smell of alcohol, and reported it to the police, according to the Busanjin Police Station.

Officers who arrived on the scene stopped the vehicle and tested the driver, who showed blood alcohol content that was high enough to have his driver's license revoked. The exact level was not made public.

The driver was taken for investigation, and the 10 passengers on the bus were transferred to another bus.

Police sent the driver's blood to the National Forensic Service for further analysis, and are trying to find out how the driver bypassed the bus company's testing procedures. Investigators suspect that the driver asked a company security guard to take the test instead.

The bus company has removed the driver from duty, and is planning to hold a disciplinary committee after the police investigation.

Busan city government is mulling punishment for the company, ranging from fines to cessation of its operation.