The organs donated by a 62-year-old woman who worked as a volunteer caregiver for elderly citizens were used to save the lives of two people, the state-run organ donation agency said Monday.
The bereaved family of Im Bong-ae agreed to donate her liver and both of her kidneys after she was declared brain dead on Feb. 29, according to the Korea Organ Donation Agency. Im had collapsed and lost consciousness as she was coming home after making a meal for a senior citizen on Feb. 11 and never recovered despite medical treatment.
Im's family chose to honor the wishes of the deceased, who told them she wanted to donate her organs to help others in need when she died. The KODA said her organs were given to two patients who were in critical need.
"We sincerely thank the donor, and her family who helped carry out her noble deed. She had devoted her life to her family and to helping those who are sick and in need," said KODA chief Moon In-sung.
The deceased was the second oldest of five siblings born to a family in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province. According to the agency, Im was a vivacious person who was always happy to help out her family and anyone around her.