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Lao Woman Wins International Award for Leading Male-Dominated Industry

Nov. 21, 2022 - 09:31 By

VIENTIANE, Laos, Nov. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Electrical engineering and installation is a male-dominated industry in Laos but this conventional business practice is being challenged by an enterprising businesswoman named Siriphone Phanthavongs, who is the Managing Director of Electrical Civil Mechanical Engineering Sole Co., Ltd (ECME).

Siriphone Phanthavongs, Managing Director, Electrical Civil Mechanical Engineering Sole Co., Ltd (ECME)
Siriphone Phanthavongs, Managing Director, Electrical Civil Mechanical Engineering Sole Co., Ltd (ECME)

In recognition of her success in managing and leading the electrical engineering and installation firm, the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards (ACES) panel this year named Siriphone as one of the winners in the Asia's Most Promising SMEs category.

She has strongly promoted the participation of women in business management by building a new culture that supports female leadership in business. In addition, she has introduced female mentorship and female leadership programs within the company's management.

As a female business leader, Siriphone is keenly aware of marketing trends and uses digital platforms to communicate and interact with customers, while committing to provide high quality goods and services.

As well as acknowledging her talents as a business leader, the awards panel recognised Siriphone's ability and commitment to steering the company and its employees through the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent global economic uncertainty.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Siriphone's company paid special attention to the health and safety of its workforce, which enabled the firm to maintain a high standard of operations.

"ECME Sole Co., Ltd. has broken the glass ceiling by setting exceptionally high standards for itself and then proving that it has what it takes to not only keep but exceed these standards. It is incredible what powerful leadership, coupled with sheer diligence, can do," said Shanggari Balakrishnan, Chief Executive Officer of the MORS Group, which issues the awards.

Established in 2009, ECME is a leading electrical installation goods and services provider in Laos with expertise in the installation, maintenance, inspection and testing of equipment in buildings, the supply, installation and maintenance of transformers, generators and air conditioners, the supply of instrumentation equipment.

The company operates in compliance with AS/AZS 3000:2007 Australia and New Zealand wiring regulatory standards.

The firm's customers mostly comprise mining companies, beverage factories, commercial buildings, banks, hotels, hospitals, offices international organisations, and embassies.

To retain its business advantage, ECME has made a commitment to become a role model for other companies in Laos in terms of gender equality, health and safety standards, international standard services, and managing change in times of uncertainty.