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‘Living with COVID-19’ plan halts, gatherings limited to 4 people nationwide

Dec. 16, 2021 - 09:08 By Shin Ji-hye
Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum (Yonhap)
The government has halted the measure for phased daily recovery as infections continue to surge. From Saturday, the number of people allowed to attend private gatherings will be reduced to four and entertainment facilities, restaurants, and cafes will only be open until 9 p.m. nationwide.

Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum announced the new measure at the COVID-19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on Thursday morning. He said a meeting was held earlier than scheduled because “the situation is very severe now.”

Starting Saturday, up to four fully-vaccinated people can sit together at restaurants and cafes. Those who have not been vaccinated can sit alone or use take-out and delivery services.

In the case of multi-use facilities, the operating hours of each facility will be limited based on whether or not a mask can be worn.

Entertainment facilities and restaurants and cafes with relatively high risk can only operate until 9 p.m. Movie theaters, performance halls and PC rooms will be limited to 10 p.m., but private academies will be exempt.

In addition, the number of people allowed to attend large-scale events and rallies is reduced, and quarantine passes are expanded to exhibitions, fairs and international conferences.

Prime Minister Kim urged citizens to refrain from year-end and New Year‘s meetings and events, and reduce unnecessary outings and meetings.

“This adjustment plan will be applied for 16 days, from midnight Saturday to Jan. 2, and we will reevaluate the quarantine situation at the end of the year,” he said.

A detailed adjustment of quarantine standards will be explained immediately after the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting later in the day.