(CJ OliveNetworks)
CJ OliveNetworks, an IT solution provider of CJ Group, said Wednesday that the company succeeded in establishing a network using public cloud and software-based WAN in Germany in what it said was an industry first.
Known as SD-WAN, the software-defined network enables establishing virtual over-lay networks by connecting with a variety of networks like MPLS, internet and 4G, providing customers with flexibility and efficiency.
The CJ affiliate adopted SD-WAN to the public cloud systems used by the group’s affiliates and created virtual lines to establish the network in Germany.
The virtual lines will enable CJ affiliates around the world to use high-quality network services without installing connections physically.
The CJ network completed in Germany turned out to be three times faster than local network services in the country, it said.
CJ has built similar networks in the US, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Indonesia.
“The latest project has innovated efficiency of the network environment for CJ’s overseas branches,” said a company official. “The company will continue expanding the coverage to provide affiliates with better network services.”