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Man arrested for violence while intoxicated

June 22, 2018 - 15:41 By Kim So-hyun
A 50-year-old man was arrested for attacking neighbors and damaging vehicles by throwing soju bottles while intoxicated, northern Gwangju police said Friday.

The man, identified by his surname Kim, allegedly pushed a woman in her 80s in the apartment corridor, hit a convenience store clerk in the head with a soju bottle and attacked people on four other occasions earlier this week.

He also damaged a taxi and parked vehicles by throwing soju bottles and broke a surveillance camera in the apartment complex. 


The man, who has seven previous convictions including assault, habitually picked fights with fellow residents and attacked them while drunk, but residents were reluctant to officially complain for fear of retaliation, police said.

On Wednesday, another man with 69 previous convictions was arrested at a restaurant in Gwangju after an hourlong rampage during which he threw soju bottles at other customers.

According to police, some 700 cases of drunken violence occurred last year in Gwangju.

By Kim So-hyun (