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Prosecution demands 5 years in jail for ad director in scandal involving ex-leader

Nov. 1, 2017 - 13:59 By Yonhap

Prosecutors on Wednesday demanded five years in prison for a renowned music video and advertising director involved in an influence-peddling scandal that ousted former President Park Geun-hye.

Cha Eun-taek, who worked with many K-pop stars, including Psy and BIGBANG, was indicted in November last year on charges of embezzlement, abuse of power and coercion. He was found to have pressured companies, including telecommunications giant KT Corp., into awarding contracts to an advertising firm owned by Park's confidante, Choi Soon-sil.

In April the prosecution demanded five years in jail for him. It added new charges of money laundering in May and made the same demand at court this time. 

Advertising director Cha Eun-taek enters the courthouse to attend his trial on Nov. 1, 2017. (Yonhap)

His case makes up one of many pieces of what has led to a massive scandal involving the ousted president and Choi, who are now standing trial for corruption and bribery.

Cha pleaded guilty and asked for leniency.

"Every day I shed tears of lamentation, and I regret what I've done," he said in the trial. "I will put a life devoted to having an invisible role first. ... I've already gotten my death penalty as an artist in society."

The court is due to deliver its ruling Nov. 22. (Yonhap)