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Vice foreign ministers of S. Korea, Britain discuss cooperation on trade, N. Korea issue

July 18, 2017 - 11:20 By Catherine Chung
South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam has held a meeting with his British counterpart to discuss bilateral relations in trade and cooperation against the growing threats from North Korea's nuclear ambitions, Seoul's foreign ministry said Tuesday.

The meeting held between Lim and Mark Field in Britain on Monday (local time) focused on how to improve their bilateral ties and expand cooperation in trade, investment and other areas, such as the North's nuclear issue, according to the ministry.

Lim expressed his satisfaction with the ongoing cooperation with Britain in trade, investment and continued coordination through working-level talks even after its decision to exit the European Union. 


He also explained to his British counterpart the South Korean government's two-track North Korea approach of seeking both sanctions and dialogue, hoping for strategic commutation and cooperation with London on the front. 

Field responded that the North's nuclear threat has emerged as a global security issue that needs to be dealt with by the international community and that the British government will closely work with South Korea to make sure there's peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, according to the ministry. (Yonhap)