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US, China to seek new UN Security Council sanctions resolution on N. Korea: report

June 2, 2017 - 09:52 By a2017001

NEW YORK -- The United States and China are expected to seek a new UN Security Council resolution blacklisting more North Korean people and entities in an effort to increase pressure on Pyongyang over its nuclear and missile programs, a news report said Thursday.

US and Chinese diplomats have negotiated new sanctions on Pyongyang for the past five weeks, and the 15-nation Security Council could hold a vote on a draft resolution as early as Friday, Reuters reported, citing unidentified diplomats.

The US has been working hard to ramp up pressure on North Korea as the regime defiantly forges ahead with its nuclear and missile programs in an attempt to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the continental US.

This year alone, the North has already carried out nine ballistic missile tests.

Also Thursday, the US Treasury Department announced fresh sanctions blacklisting four individuals and 10 entities, including the State Affairs Commission, Pyongyang's highest office, as well as the Korean People's Army and money-making firms. (Yonhap)