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Choi Soon-sil's daughter returns to Korea

May 31, 2017 - 14:47 By a2017001

The daughter of former President Park Geun-hye's close friend involved in a corruption scandal returned to South Korea on Wednesday, after she was extradited from Denmark where she was in custody for five months.

Chung Yoo-ra, the 21-year-old daughter of Choi Soon-sil, arrived at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul, at around 2:40 p.m. She was arrested by local authorities on a flight from Amsterdam where she transferred.

"I don't even know what my major was at Ewha Womans University" (YTN Capture)

Chung had been held at a detention center in Aalborg, Denmark, since early January as she was on Interpol's wanted list following South Korean authorities' request. She repeatedly declined to respond to their summons.

Her extradition was accepted by a Danish court in April. She appealed the decision but then withdrew it last week.

She will be taken to a prosecutors' office in Seoul for questioning on suspicions of receiving academic favors at Ewha Womans University and irregular funding for equestrian training from Samsung Group. She could also be questioned about her family's alleged overseas slush funds.

"I'm sorry for what I said regarding wealth being a part of a person's ability" (YTN Capture)

Her mother and Park are in jail and standing trial over a string of corruption allegations that removed the former president from office.

Prosecutors are expected to seek another warrant by Friday, at the latest, to detain her for up to 20 days before filing formal charges against her. (Yonhap)