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Presidential office says Park will follow whatever decision parliament makes on her fate

Nov. 30, 2016 - 10:40 By 임정요
The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said Wednesday that President Park Geun-hye will accept whatever decision parliament will make regarding her fate as she stated a day earlier.

The comments came amid lingering doubts over Park's decision to leave her presidency in the hands of parliament. Addressing the nation Tuesday over the corruption scandal involving her and her longtime friend, Park pledged to step down "in line with the timeline and the procedures" set by political parties.

Opposition parties have dismissed her pledge as a political ploy to stall for time and thwart their impeachment push. They, in particular, said that her pledge ran counter to public calls for her to bow out "immediately and unconditionally."
Jung Youn-kuk, presidential spokesman, speaks during a press conference at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, Nov. 20, 2016 (Yonhap)
"(Park) has said that whatever decision the National Assembly will make, she will follow it as long as it is based on an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties," Jung Youn-kuk, presidential spokesman, told reporters.

Asked if the presidential office thinks Park's five-year term can be shortened through a constitutional revision, Jung said, "Whether that may be a constitutional amendment or not, (Park) will follow the timeline and procedures the National Assembly will set."

Park's single presidential term is due to end in February 2018.

The spokesman also indicated that Park will soon hold a press conference to further explain her position on a series of allegations facing her.

Earlier this month, the prosecution cited Park as an accomplice in a host of the alleged wrongdoings carried out by her friend Choi Soon-sil and former key aides. The charges include the abuse of authority, the leak of official secrets and coercion.

Cheong Wa Dae has dismissed all the allegations against Park, saying she will establish her "innocence" through an independent counsel probe, which is expected to begin next month. (Yonhap)