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[MONITOR] Young singles mostly live in Hongdae, Gangnam

Nov. 24, 2016 - 17:37 By Korea Herald

Singles in their 20s mostly live near the subway stations of Hongdae and Konkuk University, while singles in their 30s tend to reside around Gangam and Silim, a report showed.

The report, which won in a contest arranged by the Seoul Institute, analyzed residential choices of single households for the sake of rejuvenating the local economy around subway stations. It was written by Park Geun-deok of Hanyang University in his doctorate course.

Both men and women in their 20s living alone were concentrated in the Hongdae, Konkuk University and Silim area, whereas men and women in their 30s were concentrated in Gangnam area.

The report said that 30-somethings that have become more economically active tend to choose commercialized areas by taking such factors as commuting distance into consideration despite the high cost of rent. Those in their 20s tend to choose areas that have relatively cheaper housing options, such as around universities, the thesis said.