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N. Korea flood aid only possible if it ends provocations: Saenuri Party

Sept. 20, 2016 - 10:41 By 임정요

South Korea's ruling Saenuri Party said Monday the international community will only give aid to flood-stricken North Korea if the communist regime halts all provocations.

North Korea has been struggling to cope with what is being called its worst-ever floods since the country's liberation from Japanese colonial rule (1910-45). In an apparent bid to seek help from abroad, its state media has been dispatching numerous reports on the damage inflicted on the country.

"The international community can only help the North when it ends the nuclear and missile provocations," Chung Jin-suk, the party whip said.

On Monday, South Korea's unification ministry also said the government is unlikely to give a helping hand to Pyongyang.

However, opposition parties have been calling on the government to provide humanitarian aid.

Earlier this month, North Korea carried out its fifth nuclear test, continuing its provocations against the South and the rest of the world, who have called for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. (Yonhap)