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Outgoing main opposition party chief calls for discussion on constitutional reform

Aug. 21, 2016 - 17:33 By KH디지털2

Main opposition Minjoo Party's interim leader Kim Jong-in on Sunday called for renewed attention to the controversial topic of constitutional reform.

"We need constitutional reform so a political party that wins parliament can take responsibility and achieve economic democracy as well as promote sound security," Kim said in a press conference ahead of him stepping down from his post.

He assumed the chairmanship shortly before the April 13 general election and will officially step down at the party's convention set for Saturday.

"I suggest a bipartisan committee in charge of the issue be established," he said.

Kim has been a staunch supporter of constitutional reform as he believes it can lessen the negative effects of the current system where administrative power is centered too much on the president and so little is given to the prime minister, the Cabinet or the National Assembly. By bringing up the familiar issue again at this time, he also seemed intent on setting an agenda for the presidential election next year.

"A president with emperor-like power decides on everything while opposition parties have to settle for a mere rubber-stamp role, which paralyzes the function of the National Assembly," he said. "We need to unite the country, and ruling and opposition parties should work together to create the future of the country."

He then said the Minjoo Party should make sure of its stance on revising the Constitution.

"A responsible presidential hopeful has to reveal his or her position on the issue before the party starts preparing for the election," the lawmaker said.

On inter-Korean relations, "We should reconfirm that it is North Korea that puts regional peace at risk," he said. "We need to acknowledge that peace on the Korean peninsula is maintained not by our own power but by our allies' military and economic power. We should seriously take into consideration that our security is inseparable from that of our allies."

On another thorny issue, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense battery, he said he was disappointed with lack of adequate response from the government and the ruling party.

"The Minjoo Party, as a responsible party, should also make a wise choice after carefully considering the priority of our national interest in the light of historical context," he argued, indirectly criticizing opinions from some of the party members to officially oppose the advanced U.S. defense shield. (Yonhap)