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Chinese company opens drone arena in Korea

Aug. 16, 2016 - 16:01 By 임정요
Chinese drone manufacturer DJI said Tuesday that it has opened the world's first indoor drone arena in South Korea in a move to target one of the world's fastest growing industries.

The 1,395-square-meter arena in Yongin, about 50 kilometers south of Seoul, allows hobbyists and racers to fly unmanned aerial vehicles safely without restrictions.

DJI, which claims 70 percent of the global drone market, said the venue aims to target the South Korean market for content provided by the aerial device.

"We opened the indoor arena in South Korea after judging that the market has a huge potential to grow," Moon Tae-hyun, a DJI official, said.

The South Korean market for the commercial technology of unmanned aerial vehicles is currently estimated at around 27.8 billion won ($23.4 million) and expected to expand to 1 trillion won in 2019, according to government data.

The venue, equipped with safety features, is open to 12 individuals at a time for a three-hour period, the company said.

Also the arena has a racing facility for those who wish to race the unmanned vehicles, equipped with cameras, while wearing goggles showing them a live stream camera feed from the drones.

First Person View drone racing began as an amateur sport in Australia and now has professional leagues in other countries.

In South Korea, there are some 200 FPV amateur racers and 2,000 recreational racers.

The facility also offers lessons for drone racers and a maintenance room for those who want to repair their products, DJI said.

The facility also offers a showroom for the company's key products and provides specialized space to view videos taken by the drones.

Earlier this year, the Chinese firm opened its first overseas store in the Hongdae area in western Seoul, one of the most popular nightlife spots for young South Koreans.

More than 2,000 people visited the flagship store on the opening day, with some camping outside the store the night before, according to the Chinese company. It said the average number of weekend visitors at the store hovers at around 2,000. (Yonhap)