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Park to host luncheon for independence fighters, their families

Aug. 12, 2016 - 10:39 By 임정요

President Park Geun-hye will host a luncheon for those who devoted themselves to South Korea's liberation from Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule and their families Friday, three days ahead of Liberation Day.

Some 163 people, including 25 former independence fighters and 85 relatives of those that sacrificed for their country, will attend the luncheon at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, Park's spokesman Jung Youn-kuk told reporters.

Among the invitees are a great grandson of Canadian veterinarian Dr. Frank W. Schofield (1889-1970) and a grandson of British journalist Ernest Thomas Bethell (1872-1909). Both Schofield and Bethell helped reveal to the world Japan's colonial-era atrocities by publishing stories in newspapers.

"President Park plans to express her appreciation and respect to independence fighters and the members of the bereaved families who contributed to the country's liberation (from Japan)," the presidential spokesman said. (Yonhap)