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Olympic Games

Late-blooming archer credits eternal optimism with helping her win gold

Aug. 12, 2016 - 10:13 By KH디지털2
Chang Hye-jin, who won the women's individual archery gold at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics on Thursday, barely missed out on the London Games national team four years ago.

She finished fourth, one spot shy, in the national team trials -- notoriously competitive because of the country's depth in archery talent -- and the close call would have crushed someone less determined.

Instead, Chang humbly accepted the result and got to work.

"I've never given up and I've always stayed positive," Chang said after defeating Lisa Unruh of Germany for the gold medal, her second in Rio after the team title.

Park Hae-mook/The Korea Herald
"And I believe my hard work has led to this great result," she added. "And I am very grateful for it."

At 29, Chang was the oldest member on the women's archery team. While she isn't ancient by any stretch of imagination, her age is still considered advanced for a first-time Olympian.

Chang said while she tried not to let her near-miss four years ago affect her, she was more than glad to finally move past it.

"I've had that tag on me for the longest time -- someone who finished fourth in the London Olympic qualification," Chang said. "It's a great relief to get rid of it at last."

Chang went up against Ki Bo-bae, her teammate and the defending individual champion, in the semifinals. Chang shot a shocking 3 with her second arrow in the first set -- she said she couldn't remember scoring that bad in competition before -- but it was again her optimism that helped Chang stay on her feet, almost literally.

"It was so windy during that match that I could barely stay still," said Chang, who reacted to her 3 with a sheepish smile. "I told myself I should stay confident and not let the wind affect me so much."

In the final, Chang was in such trance that she wasn't even aware that she was competing in an Olympic final until her final arrow.

"I was only thinking about taking one arrow at a time," she said. "Then with the last one remaining, I finally realized I was in the Olympic gold medal match."

Chang's optimism was apparently contagious. Ki, who settled for bronze this time, said she relied a great deal on Chang to get her through rigorous training.

"Hye-jin has such a bubbly personality and I knew her positive attitude would carry her a long way," Ki said. "I think all of us were under pressure to win the individual gold, and someone had to do it. I'd like to thank Hye-jin for overcoming that burden to win the gold." (Yonhap)