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PM dismisses call to exempt agricultural, fishery products from anti-graft act

July 5, 2016 - 17:15 By KH디지털2

Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn on Tuesday dismissed a call to exempt agricultural, fishery and livestock products from the application of an anti-graft act, saying their exemption will undermine the basic purpose of the act due to take effect in September.

During a parliamentary interpellation session, Hwang indicated that should they be exempt, calls may arise for an exclusion of other items as well. But he noted that the government was "well aware" of the concerns over the potential negative impact of the act on some local businesses.


"(The government) is well aware of the concerns, but the act is designed to address the irregularities deeply rooted in our society," Hwang told lawmakers at the National Assembly.

The anti-corruption act subjects public officials, journalists and private school faculty to a maximum penalty of three years in jail or five times the amount accepted in money or valuables if it exceeds a set amount, regardless of whether it was in exchange for favors. It puts a cap on the price of meals and presents that can be accepted.

Local businesses -- particularly high-end restaurants, golf clubs and department stores -- argue that the act would seriously hurt their sales and dampen overall domestic consumption. (Yonhap)