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Korea's consumer sentiment remains unchanged in June

June 28, 2016 - 09:43 By KH디지털2

Korea's consumer sentiment did not budge either way in June after dipping to a three-month low in the month before on growing uncertainties in the global economy, central bank data showed Tuesday.

The composite consumer sentiment index came to 99 for June, unchanged from the previous month, according to data from the Bank of Korea.


A reading above 100 means optimists outnumber pessimists, while a reading below the benchmark means the opposite. Consumer sentiments have remained sluggish since the start of the year amid a prolonged slump in Asia's fourth-largest economy.

Korea's exports have dropped every single month since the start of last year, while the rise in its consumer prices has also remained at or below 1 percent, far short of a 2-percent annual target set by the central bank.

In June, consumer sentiment toward current and future economic conditions further deteriorated with indexes for both categories losing 2 points each from the previous month to 68 and 78, respectively.

People's sentiment toward employment slightly improved, with an index measuring their sentiment toward job opportunities coming to 75 in June, up from 74 in the previous month, according to the BOK.

The monthly report is based on a survey of some 2,200 households throughout the country. (Yonhap)