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Korean gay couple appeals court's rejection of same-sex marriage

May 26, 2016 - 13:17 By 임정요

A high-profile South Korean gay couple said Thursday they will appeal a recent court's rejection to legally recognize their marriage.

Kim Jho Gwang-soo and Kim Sung-hwan tied the knot in September 2013 but are still seeking to get legal status.

They submitted a report of marriage to a Seoul district office, but it was denied by the office on the grounds that "same-sex marriage does not satisfy the definition of husband and wife in civil law." They made an appeal in May 2014, asking the court to rule on the case.

The Seoul Western District Court ruled against the filmmaker couple Wednesday, saying same sex-marriage cannot be recognized as legitimate under the country's current legal system. The court said a separate legislative step is needed to recognize same-sex unions as a marriage.

"I don't understand why we have to be marginalized from the existing system just because we have the same sex," Kim said. "I hope the judiciary takes courage and makes a decision, instead of pushing the responsibility to the legislative body."

Their legal representatives said two more same-sex couples will file separate suits later in the day, seeking legal status for their marriages. (Yonhap)