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Date rape prevalent among college students: study

May 25, 2016 - 17:32 By 임정요

A study conducted by the Ministry of Education has shown that date rape is prevalent among college students.

One in 25 individuals have committed or attempted to commit date rape, according to the ministry’s study, which surveyed 1,441 university students -- 652 males and 789 females -- from 150 universities in the country in November 2015. 

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Out of the participants, 58 admitted to having committed date rape.

One in three individuals had also committed verbal sexual harassment, according to the report.

The most common form of verbal abuse was by insulting a person’s looks, with 657 people saying they had at least done that once.

The next most common form of verbal harassment took place during in-class presentations when comments that sexually humiliate another gender were made.

In the study, 60 people said they have obsessed over a person who did not want to take their calls, receive their e-mails or visits. Forty-eight said they have participated in games that were degrading to women.

There were also 47 people who said they had kissed or embraced a person of the opposite sex despite their protests. Eleven said they had taken advantage of their superior social position to demand physical contact.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (