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Ruling party to hold meeting on normalization 'soon'

May 25, 2016 - 16:03 By 임정요

South Korea's ruling Saenuri Party on Wednesday said it will hold a general meeting in the "near future"

to discuss the normalization of the party, which may include reorganizing its power structure to grant more authority to a single leader.

Chung Jin-suk, the floor leader, said the party will hold a meeting to exchange ideas on details of the discussions made by key officials earlier this week. The meeting will try to find a breakthrough in the prolonged power vacuum at the top after the party's defeat in last month's elections.

On Tuesday, Chung, former chairman Kim Moo-sung and Rep. Choi Kyung-hwan discussed ways to reorganize the way the ruling camp is run. Although no conclusions have yet been reached, sources said they exchanged ideas on significantly changing the existing collective leadership system.

Since the defeat in the April 13 elections, the party without a leader has been rocked by a feud between a pro-Park Geun-hye faction and other minor elements. Its approval rating also has been losing ground as more people turn their back on the party due to such internal bickering. (Yonhap)